Clergy (Deceased)

O'Donovan, The Revd Prudence Estelle (Prue)

The following listing of a recently deceased clergy member is provided to allow family and colleagues to read and engage with their history within the Anglican Church.

Personal details

Qualifications BMusEd Westminster Choir Coll Princeton USA 1972; BMin ACD 1999; GradDip Pastoral Counselling CSU 2007
Ordained D 1999 P 2000 (Adelaide)
Spouse Bart

Born 1950
Died 2023


DioceseRole & OrganisationPeriod
WillochraPermission to Officiate Diocese of Willochra2016-2023
AdelaideAnglicare SA Staff Support Chapl North2016-2022
AdelaidePermission to Officiate Diocese of Adelaide2014-2023
WillochraDioc Min Devpmt Off2012-2015
WillochraChair Dioc Edu Cttee2010-2015
WillochraArchdeacon Archdeaconry of Flinders2009-2015
WillochraCPSW Wallaroo Mines PS2007-2011
WillochraDiocesan Chaplain Mothers' Union2006-2008
WillochraChaplain Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission2006-2008
WillochraMission Priest Parish of The Copper Coast2005-2012
AdelaideAssistant Priest Parish of Glenelg2003-2004
AdelaideAssistant Curate Parish of Glenelg2002
AdelaideAsstP to Abp at St Andrew's Farm2001
AdelaideAssistant Curate Parish of St John the Evangelist Adelaide1999-2000
AdelaideChaplain St Columba College1999-2001