Clergy (Deceased)

Jones, The Revd John Redding

The following listing of a recently deceased clergy member is provided to allow family and colleagues to read and engage with their history within the Anglican Church.

Personal details

Qualifications Nat Dip Horticulture South Africa; AdvDip Min&Theol; AssocTheol
Ordained D 2015 P 2017 (Bunbury)

Born 1964
Died 2024


DioceseRole & OrganisationPeriod
BunburyCo-ordinator Chaplain Albany Regional Prison2018-2024
BunburyChaplain Amana Living2018-2024
BunburyAssistant Parish of Albany2017-2024
BunburyAssistant Priest St Boniface's Cathedral Bunbury2017
BunburyDeacon St Boniface's Cathedral Bunbury2015-2017