Clergy (Deceased)

Ferguson, The Revd Peter Thomas Devlin

The following listing of a recently deceased clergy member is provided to allow family and colleagues to read and engage with their history within the Anglican Church.

Personal details

Ordained D 1960 P 1961 (Canberra & Goulburn)

Born 1936
Died 2024


DioceseRole & OrganisationPeriod
PerthPermission to Officiate Diocese of Perth2000
PerthLocum tenens Parish of Lakelands2000
PerthRector Parish of Dalkeith1993-2000
PerthChapl Curtin Uni Tech1987-1992
PerthChapl WAIT1984-1986
PerthRector Parish of East Victoria Park-Bentley1980-1984
PerthRector Parish of Melville1973-1980
Cape TownR St Mark's Cape Town1972-1973
Cape Townind chapl1972-1973
Cape Townreg dean North-West Cape1971-1972
Cape TownR Clanwilliam1965-1972
Canberra & GoulburnPriest in Charge Parish of Lake Bathurst1963-1965
Canberra & GoulburnCurate Parish of Wagga Wagga1960-1963